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Firm Profile

Selwyn A. Pieters, B.A. (U of T), LL.B. (Osgoode), L.E.C. (HWLS), Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public, is a progressive sole practitioner lawyer committed to providing the highest quality legal services in a respectful and supportive environment.  Selwyn activist involved in human and civil rights. He held positions in the Ontario and Federal Civil Service including Registry Officer at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice and Federal Court and Refugee Protection Officer at the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Correctional Officer and Volunteer Probation and Parole Officer with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services before pursuing his legal career.

Selwyn Pieters has a long history representing clients in matters involving human rights law, civil litigation, criminal law, labour and employment law matters. Selwyn has been engaged in representation of clients before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, The Federal Court, Ontario Court of Appeal, Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Divisional Court; Ontario Labour Relations Board in a wide variety of matters that touch upon constitutional and Charter of Rights litigation, human rights, administrative law and regulatory law. Selwyn has also significant experience in Highway Traffic Act offenses.

Selwyn Pieters has extensive experience in community outreach, capacity building and policy development.

Selwyn also has extensive investigation experience and can assist in complex cases that require investigatory experience or lawyers with a policing or corrections background.

Selwyn A. Pieters - Barrister & Solicitor; 2006 All rights reserved.